About PhaseTech
PhaseTech Spectroscopy is the source of cutting-edge femtosecond spectroscopy solutions, specializing in femtosecond pulse shaping, 2D spectoscopy and other ultrafast technology.
PhaseTech Spectroscopy was founded in 2012.
PhaseTech Spectroscopy, Inc.
4916 East Broadway, Suite 125
Madison, WI 53716-4139
+1 608 712-1857

Martin Zanni, PhD
Martin is a founder of PhaseTech Spectroscopy, Inc and its President. He is also the Meloche-Bascom Professor
of Chemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He attended the University of Rochester for his
bachelors degrees and the University of California at Berkeley for his PhD. He has co-authored more than 180 papers
on 2D IR and 2D visible spectrospectroscopy as well as the book,
Concepts and Methods of 2D Infrared Spectroscopy.
He is co-inventor on two patents related to multidimensional spectroscopy.
Learn more about Marty's research at his
group's website

Chris Middleton, PhD
Chris is a founder of PhaseTech Spectroscopy, Inc. and its CTO. He has over 22 years experience with
femtosecond spectroscopy including pulse shaping, transient absorption, and multidimensional spectroscopy. He at received his
BS from Syracuse University and his PhD from Ohio State University. Learn more about Chris
at chrismiddleton.com.

Baichhabi Yakami, PhD
Baichhabi is an ultrafast scientist with PhaseTech. He has expertise in femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy, 2D spectroscopy with pulse shaping and time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy, including studies on seminconductor quantum dots and nanowires with solar cell applications.

Tom Brinzer, PhD
Tom started as an ultrafast scientist with PhaseTech in 2019. He attended Franklin & Marshall College for his bachelor's degree and the University of Pittsburgh for his PhD with Sean Garrett-Roe. His doctoral research using 2D IR spectroscopy focused on understanding the ultrafast dynamics and solvent interactions of small molecules dissolved in soft materials of interest for carbon capture.

Reena Al-Mualem, PhD
Reena joined PhaseTech as an ultrafast scientist in 2024. She received her BS from the University of Washington in Seattle then moved to the University of Texas at Austin for her PhD with Carlos Baiz. Her doctoral research used 2D IR spectroscopy and SEIRAS to characterize hydrogen-bonding networks at lipid-water and metal-water interfaces.